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Join Us For The Next Night Of Empowerment

June 13th

Anyone who loves gardening probably has some choice words about crabgrass. It looks like it’s just in one spot and then reaches across a sidewalk, wraps around a tree and then jumps under your fence to terrorize your neighbors.

What makes it so difficult? The fact that the roots are interconnected, and not necessarily where you think they are.

Just like that crabgrass, our roots are sometimes deeply embedded in the past, and that can – and will – affect our present life more than we realize.

Bad roots will produce bad fruit in our lives, because certain emotions that we feel from the past unfortunately do not have an expiration date! Discover how to pull up the bad roots in this episode with Mimika Cooney.

In this episode you will discover:

  • Scarcity vs. Abundance
  • “Full speed ahead” or “Can’t get out of bed”
  • Don’t wear someone else’s shoes
  • Necessity breeds Creativity
  • Winter season is when the most growth happens

Meet Mimika Cooney

Mimika Cooney grew up in a volatile home in South Africa and, from an early age, she learned how to live and function in fear. Her parents eventually divorced when she was 10, however, since she started studying ballet when she was only 3, she became performance-focused. Her schoolmates started calling her “bossy” and saying she talked too much, so she began trying to please them. She learned too late that saying “yes” to everyone else means saying “no” to herself. She shares that the root of rejection must be dealt with properly by renewing your mind.

Mimika is an award-winning photographer, author, motivational speaker and much more!

“My heart is for helping others find their joy, freedom, breakthrough and purpose. When we are brave enough to admit we need help, are willing to be growth minded, and become ready to share our story, we give others the strength, endurance and faith to keep pressing on. This is why I’m so passionate about mentoring, speaking, writing, publishing books, and sharing testimonies of breakthrough.”

Look for her latest book, “Heart of a Champion” and follow her at:

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