Take Your Next Step

to Optimal Health

Many people get stuck in their journey to optimal health because they don’t realize it takes more than diet and exercise.

Laura Harris Smith joins Dr. Mark Sherwood in this episode to reveal the three-part health strategy that leads you to be completely well.

In this episode, you’ll discover:

  • Why it’s important to hear yourself say, “Whatever it takes, I want to be well.”
  • How body, mind and spirit all play a part in wellness
  • The garden is the solution to preventing and curing sickness
  • How prayer helps you find the right strategy for your health

Resources Mentioned

Book: Get Well Soon

Laura’s essential oil brand


About Our Guest: Laura Harris Smith

Laura Harris SmithI am a farmer’s daughter and a farmer’s granddaughter. Both of my parents were raised on working farms. I have “eaten the rainbow” since I was a girl and I understand the importance of a balanced diet and have seen food do miraculous things when different health-scares came my way. My love for nutrition led me to return to school to become a certified nutritional counselor and I enjoy teaching others how to use food as medicine and to educate themselves about all the wonderful remedies God designed for us on the third day of creation.

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