Take Your Next Step

to Optimal Health

“Come as you are” is more than a sign in a restaurant window. It is a beautiful invitation to relax, be yourself and not worry about needing to be overly dressed or formal.

Jesus also wants us to relax and be ourselves – although many people think that they cannot be themselves and follow him. We need to remember 1 Samuel 16:7, “man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.”

Brad Tuttle grew up in a small town with a church on every corner, but no one ever talked to him about a relationship with Christ. “I thought I was going to heaven because I was an American!”

He had been in the Navy and also had gotten involved in powerlifting. “I weighed 325 pounds and was being invited to places solely because I was a large man. God turned my life around and prayer became the stabilizing force of my life.”

In this episode you will discover:

  • Gun ranges and God?
  • How to be loud and draw a crowd
  • Physical health vs. Spiritual health
  • Highway to Hell?
  • The power source for the miraculous

Meet Brad Tuttle

Brad Tuttle is the Founding and Senior Pastor of The Harvest Church International, as well as Founder of Brad Tuttle Ministries. Together, Brad and jana share a passion to preach the Gospel, and make disciples who operate in the fullness and resurrection power of the Holy Spirit. Brad has used the past two decades as he has extensively traveled across the United States and abroad. His passion for the lost compels him to share boldly and passionately his testimony on coming to Christ.

Connect with Brad at bradtuttle.com

Watch Shooting Straight with Brad Tuttle

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