Take Your Next Step

to Optimal Health

We all desire something: A new house or car, physical healing, more money, or countless other things. But what do we do about that desire?

Sadly, most of us don’t do anything except talk about what we DON’T have to anyone who will listen.

Craig Hagin’s grandfather, Kenneth E. Hagin, made a good choice. He decided to take God at His word and he chose to be healed. At that time, he was only 16 years old and partially paralyzed.

Faith and the spoken word go hand in hand. We can speak to the mountains (problems) in our life. That’s what Jesus told us to do, but it starts with desire. We have to want to do something before it happens.

Next is faith, which is simply believing what God says. After that, we need to speak to the mountain. In other words, make sure that what is coming out of our mouth lines up with the Word of God.

How do we live by faith? Find out in this episode.

In this episode you will discover:

  • Natural and supernatural working together
  • You can’t achieve goals you don’t have
  • Dr. Pepper addiction
  • There’s no magic pill
  • Change your mindset, change your life!

Meet Rev. Craig Hagin

Rev. Craig Hagin is passionate about raising up strong, uncompromising believers who will take a stand for God in today’s uncertain world. He teaches extensively on faith and ministers with a strong healing anointing. Craig has been in ministry all his life. At the age of 3, he helped stock the book table at meetings held by his grandfather, Kenneth E. Hagin. Craig serves as Associate Pastor at Rhema Bible Church. He is also an instructor in Rhema’s Prayer and Healing School and at Rhema Bible Training Center. He graduated from Oklahoma State University in 1992 and from Rhema Bible Training Center in 1993. Craig is ordained through Rhema Ministerial Association International.

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