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Join Us For The Next Night Of Empowerment

June 13th

Night of Empowerment

featuring Olympic Gold Medalist

June 14 in Tulsa, OK

Stay Fit This Summer

It’s simple. Replace one meal each day with a nutrient-packed meal replacement shake.

This 7-day journey will help you shed the extra pounds and catapult you into optimal health.

Leading people on a pathway to
True Healing

Discover the Health You Were Created to Enjoy

Join us for a 2-week

Kingdom Detox

Starting June 27, 2024

Unlock Your Potential

Drs. Mark & Michele specialize in pathways to true healing.
Are you ready to Live Younger, Older? Save 20%!

Unlock Your Potential

Drs. Mark & Michele specialize in pathways to true healing.
Are you ready to Live Younger, Older? Save 30%!

FREE Kingdom Fuel

with DNA Purchase

Kingdom H2

Do you deal with inflammation in the gut, joints or brain fog?
Molecular Hydrogen is right for you!

Use Code: RENZ at checkout

Kingdom Fuel

Looking to take your health & longevity to the next level?
Try Kingdom Fuel

Use Code: RENZ at checkout

Kingdom Kandy

Want the Sweet without the Cheat?
Give our delicious healthy candy a shot today!

Use Code: RENZ at checkout


The Original Bio-Hackers

Drs. Mark Sherwood, ND, and Michele L. Neil-Sherwood, DO, are the powerhouse team behind Tulsa’s Functional Medical Institute, where they’re revolutionizing wellness with a whole-person, comprehensive results-driven approach. Their mission? 

To empower people to overcome self-imposed health challenges and break free from unnecessary medications. Best-selling authors, national TV personalities, and filmmakers, they’ve inspired millions with their dynamic message of true healing. With groundbreaking health products like Kingdom Fuel & Kingdom Krunch, plus their global reach and influence, Drs. Mark and Michele are redefining what it means to live well and thrive.

Years Changing Lives
Our Value

Your Starting Line to a Transformed Life

Not sure where to start your life transformation?

Our 1-minute quiz delivers personalized suggestions!

Happy Patients
0 K+
Annual Online Reach
0 M+
Changing Lives
0 +Years
Awards Earned
0 +

We want you to get the care you deserve.

The Functional Medical Institute staff can serve you in person or via telehealth
Joyful elder woman in sports clothes raising arms
Happy senior man jogging in nature.


of Optimal Health


Get treatment for all your Kingdom needs.

We love to celebrate the everyday victories and life-changing breakthroughs of our patients. Are you ready to become another success story?

Try our personally designed and manufactured line of supplements to honor your body.

Hydrogen supports cellular health, energy production, cognitive health, and weight management.

Profound insights that will change the way you view your Creator, yourself, and your health!

Internationally Known Speakers

See Dr. Mark & Dr. Michele Speak in Person

The Movies That Have Helped Millions Around The World

Weekly inspiration to go further in this ever-changing world.

Maintaining good health is not a one size fits all!

Make lasting changes to live a longer, healthier life.

Client Feedback & Reviews.

Subscribe for proven ways to find
the health you were created to enjoy.