Take Your Next Step

to Optimal Health

Before a rocket launches, engineers and scientists have to make sure that it is “all systems go.” Likewise, if you are considering the Covid vaccine, you should think about your baseline health.

  • Does your body have all the nutrients it needs so that all of your systems are functioning at an optimal level?
  • Did you know that the medications that you are currently taking can steal nutrients out of your body?
  • We need to ask ourselves, are we healthy?

Innate vs. Acquired immune response plays a key part in your overall health.

Innate refers to what you were born with, whereas acquired immunity is developed over a person’s lifetime – usually in response to a foreign substance. Other factors include things like where you live. Do you live in the city or the country? Are you younger or older? How is your mindset? Are you a hopeful person, or do you tend to worry? Even your family and friends can have a profound impact on your life, outlook and overall health.

The desired result in this case needs to be a personal, well-thought-out decision based on YOUR health.

The mRNA vaccines are different because, unlike a flu vaccine, you are NOT given a small amount of the Covid virus. You are given genetic instruction to make unique spike proteins that will hopefully create an antibody. One of the goals of the vaccine is that your body will have a “memory” of what to do and be able to duplicate the process again – if needed.

In this episode you will discover:

  • Flu vaccine vs. Covid vaccine
  • Why two shots?
  • Will the vaccine change my DNA?
  • Salt and sugar in the vaccine?
  • Efficacy: the ability to produce a desired result

About Dr. Mark Sherwood

Dr. Mark Sherwood and his wife, Michele Neil-Sherwood, DO, have a successful medical practice, the Functional Medical Institute; as well as provide resources such as The Quest for Wellness, an Amazon bestseller. They provide nutrition plans, fitness instructional videos, and helpful mental and emotional steps to provide relief from stress and to help people form better habits so they can live well.

Dr. Mark’s passion for wellness motivated him to develop several wellness-based courses, which he teaches to law enforcement professionals, corporations and churches throughout the U.S. and worldwide. He firmly believes that “each person has an awesome destiny and purpose in life, which can be revealed only through the pursuit of total wellness.”

Learn more at sherwood.tv

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